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August 2010

  1. Udensi, O., Ikpeme, E. V., Markson, A. A., Edu, E.A.B Umana, E.J, Urua, I. S

    This paper was aimed at evaluating the morphological differences in six soybean genotypes and also correlates some morphological features with yield-indicating parameters, which will enhance selection and improvement programmes of the crop especially, using molecular tools. Seeds from six genotypes of soybeans: TGX923-2E, TGX1844-18E, TGX1448-2E, TGX1740-1E, TGX1448-1E and TGX1440-E were obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Three seeds were sown per hole per genotype at a depth of 3cm and 30cm between genotype and were randomized 6 times per block using randomized complete block design (RCBD). Each genotype was later thinned down to two stands. Cultural practices were observed when appropriate. Data on the number of leaves per plant, plant height, root length per plant, number of nodules per plant and dry matter yield (g) per plant were obtained at intervals of 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks after planting. The results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) in all the morphological parameters studied, which expectedly increased with weeks of data collection. Our results are explicit indication that TGX1740-1E, TGX923-2E and TGX1448-1E soybean genotypes could be selected based on the number of leaves and number of nodules produced per plant for further improvement. This is with the understanding that increase nodulation will lead to increase yield. Our results also revealed that increasing nodulation in TGX1740-1E will result to increase foliage production, which will invariably affect photosynthetic activity and productivity. Though the correlation analysis of these morphological traits, in other selected genotypes was not consistent with TGX1740-1E, our results threw light to other relationships that might directly and indirectly influence yield.

  2. Ikpeme, E. V., Udensi, O., Ekaluo, U. B. and Efieneokwu, N.

    Activities of F. exasperata (Vahl) leaf extract on the liver function of albino rats were studied. Thirty two mature albino rats weighing between 130-150g were divided into four groups of eight rats. Group 1 (control) received 0mg/kg BW, and Group 2 received 50mg/kg BW, Group 3 received 100mg/kg BW, and Group 4 received 150mg/kg BW for 8 weeks. The rats in each group were sacrificed and blood samples collected by cardiac puncture into heparinized sample bottles. The results showed that the leaf extract of F. exasperata caused significant effect (P< 0.05) on Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine transaminase (ALT), total bilirubin and conjugated bilirubin levels. The histological architecture of the liver and kidney cortex revealed several damages, especially in the kidney cortex. This is an explicit indication that the use of F. exasperata leaf extract in herbal medicine without proper scientific evaluation might be dangerous to health.

  3. Udensi, O.,Ikpeme, E. V., Uyoh, E. A., Ekpo, I. A., Brisibe, E. A., and Asikong, B. E

    The substitution of the hydroxyl groups with acetyl groups into starch moiety to increase hydrophobicity is geared toward enhancing the functional properties of starch for bioplastics production. The fear for reduced biodegradability of the products however, informed the isolation and identification of starch acetate based-bioplastics degraders in soil as a pointer for acetylation effect on degradation. Native starch and starch acetates from cassava, maize and potato were used for the production of bioplastics according to the composition of 45%, 60%, 75% and 90% respectively. Bioplastics measuring 2.5cm x 1.5cm x 0.5cm from each bioplastics composition was buried. Rate of degradation was estimated at intervals of 1week. Soil from the decomposed bioplastics were placed on nutrient and potato dextrose agars for bacteria and fungi isolation and incubated at 300C for 2hrs. Discrete colonies were transferred to nutrient and potato dextrose agars for 24 and 72hrs to produce pure cultures of bacteria and fungi. Gram staining and biochemical tests were done while fungi mycelia were stained with lactophenol blue for microscopy. Our results revealed that there was significant effect (P < 0.05) of starch acetylation on the degradation of bioplastics. Pseudomonas spp, Bacillus anthrax, Corynebacterium diphtheria, Micrococcus, Klebsiella spp and Clostridium spp were bacteria species isolated while the isolated fungi species were Aspergillus niger, Mucor spp, Alternaria spp, Chanophora cucurbitarum during the preliminary soil analysis. After the burial test, bacteria identified as colonizing the bioplastics were as follows; Pseudomonas spp, Bacillus anthrax, Micrococcus, Klebsiella spp and Clostridium spp while Aspergillus niger, Mucor spp, Alternaria spp, Chanophora cucurbitarum were the identified fungi and implicated for the degradation, which was confirmed through in vitro. The delayed degradation observed in our result may not mean jettisoning the idea of acetylating starch, especially in planta of starch-producing plant for bioplastics production comparing the degradation problems of synthetic plastics, which had led to finding alternatives. Our results explicitly suggest that though using acetylated starch for bioplastics production might have a little degradation problem, the microorganisms isolated had the capacity to degrade them in a very short interval of weeks.

  4. Kachare S.V. and Suryawanshi S.R

    The term allergy is a hypersensitivity to foreign proteins. In some individuals it can be hereditary. But it can also develop without heredity. The term allergy & allergic diseases often time confused & often used to describe the reactions of human body, which cannot be clearly attributed. It is well known that the cause of allergy may an expression indicating the reaction of human beings to a number of bioparticals as allergens. Usually it is due to vitiated pitta & blood. Low immunity is responsible for almost all types of allergies. We took the interviews of some Janatas in Beed district, visited places are Parli-Vaijnath, Ambajogai, Beed, Saradgaon, Khapertone, Sirsala etc collected information, methods of treatment, utilized by local inhabitants.

  5. Jyotishikha Nanda, Dipak Kumar Adak and Premananda Bharati

    Objectives: To examine the existing pattern of maternal health care and the factors associated with the utilization of such care in Tamil Nadu state, India. Methods: This study uses the data obtained through District Level Household Survey-Reproductive Child Health. Besides, performing chi-square tests to see the association of the relevant individual and household characteristics, logistic regression was also carried out to measure the effect of these characteristics on the use of maternal health care. Results: Maternal health care, measured as mean score is 77.8 for the whole Tamil Nadu. It varies across the districts in this state. Among social variables, religion, caste and education of women and their husband are significantly associated with the utilization of maternal health care. Variables like standard of living, age of women, age at marriage of women, order of pregnancy, and exposure to electronic media are also significantly associated with the maternal health care. However, women with 4 or more gravida, low standard of living, and not exposed to electronic media are less likely to utilize this service. Conclusion: In the state of Tamil Nadu regions make the difference in the observed significant association between the utilization of maternal health care and independent variables at the state level. Though religion and age of women are significantly associated with maternal health care at the state level, it is not so in each region. The status of district in terms of human development index is positively associated with the utilization of maternal health care in Tamil Nadu.

  6. Jayasankar, R. and Thyagarajan, S.

    After green revolution the modern agriculture is getting more and more dependent upon the steady supply of inorganic fertilizers. But the recent energy crises and consequent price hike of fertilizers due to withdrawal of subsidy on fertilizers coupled with low purchasing power of farming community force the need to exploit other less expensive nutrient sources to the maximum. In order to raise their income and living standards of these farmers must maximize the crop productivity per unit area in the most effective manner. Bio fertilizer based on renewable energy sources are the cost effective supplement to inorganic fertilizer and it can help to economise on the high investment needed for fertilizers use as far as nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients are concerned. In this paper an analysis of various constrains experienced by the rice farmers in adopting recommended biofertilizer practices are studied. Findings revealed that the major constraints faced by rice farmers were, non availability of labour, lack of interest, lack of confidence towards various biofertilizer practices, lack of technical guidance, lack of training programme and non-availability of viable culture at Government depots.

  7. Prayaga Murty Pragada and Venkaiah Malliboyana

    Weed-crop competition is critical in obtaining crop yields because of greater competition ability of weeds than the crops. Weeds deplete large quantities of mineral nutrients and moisture more efficiently than the crop plants and thrive better over the crops in drought conditions. They shade the crop seedlings and occupy space where crop plants should grow their roots. Weeds have higher contents of nutrients than crop plants; they grow faster and absorb nutrients more efficiently and thus limiting the availability of the same to crop plants. Besides, the weeds inflict allelopathic effects on crop plants which are large through their depressive root exudates. The Important Value Index calculated for the individual weed species encountered in the rice crop fields revealed interesting results. The analysis on the frequency classes of weed species encountered in rice crop field revealed interesting results. A total of 65 weed species (29 dicots, 36 monocots) were recorded from 60 quadrates combining three field sites. Out of 65 species: A class is represented by 40 species followed by 20 under B, 2 under C and 3 under D, no single species under E this results showing the heterogeneity of weed vegetation.

  8. Mohan Narasimha Rao Geddada, Prayaga Murty Pragada, Mary Florence Thalluri

    In general monocots are unbranched plants, but in this present paper the coconut plant which is belonging to monocot having the two fertile braches found at Mulikipalli village near Razole, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

  9. Moorthikumar, K. and Muthulingam, M

    Heavy metal pollution is one of the main anthropogenic pollutions causing serious and long lasting damage to all living organisms. The effect of nickel chloride on protein and amino acid contents of liver, kidney and brain of freshwater fish, Labeo rohita have been studied. The fish were exposed to sublethal concentration of nickel chloride 1/5th (high), 1/10th (medium) and 1/15th (low) of the 96 hour LC50 for the period of 10 and 20 days. All the sublethal concentration of nickel chloride exposed fish for the period of 10 and 20 days showed decrease the protein and increase the amino acid content in liver, kidney and brain of Labeo rohita. The significant alterations showed toxic effect of heavy metal nickel chloride at biochemical levels.

  10. Lakshmi, S and Sundaramoorthy, P

    In this study, a higher amount of various elements get deposited in the soil and make them polluted. Since, this polluted water reduces the crop production as well as the soil properties. To measure the bioremediation of some tree species like Pongamia glabra, Polyalthia, longifolia, Hesperia populnea, Pithecolobium dulci, Mangifera indica, Moringa olefera, Tamarindus indica, Acacia nilotica, Samanea saman and Azadirachta indica were grown in the polluted soil upto 90 days. The treatment in which all the tree species are grown in one pot and it showed a remarkable reduction of pollutants. The bioremediated soil showed a better germination in black gram seeds. The polluted soil were mixed with organic amendments like vermicompost, biofertilizer (Rhizobium) and FYM to improve the soil fertility and their toxicity was tested by growing black gram in that soil. Among the amendments, the vermicompost mixed polluted soil showed good results in morphological, biochemical and yield parameters.


    In the first stage of analysis, some descriptive measures were used to examine the main properties of the series. Twelve-month centred moving average and differencing of order twelve advocated by Box and Jenkins (1970) were used to reduce the seasonal effect and to make the series stationary respectively. The autocorrelation of the differenced series of the productions were calculated including the partial autocorrelation with their respective correlogram which gives an insight into the probability model that generated the series.The second stage involves fitting of model and diagnostic checking to test for the adequacy of the fitted model. The diagnostic checking revealed that autoregressive model of order two was fitted into the series.


    Flowering, pod formation and abscission and seed yield following application of NPK (20-10-10) fertilizer at the rate of 0 Kg ha-1, 30 Kg ha-1, 60 Kg ha-1, 90, and 120 Kg ha-1 respectively were studied in variety of African yam bean (AYB), Benue Brown (BB) in a field trial at the Research Farm, University of Ibadan Ibadan, Nigeria. AYB cultivars produce 100 to 300 flower buds per plant of which forty to sixty percent form pods. About forty to fifty-five percent more of the immature pods are shed leaving only twenty to thirty percent forming mature pods. The excessive rate of flower and fruit abscission limits grain yield of AYB. Agronomic practices such as the application of fertilizers has been found to improve flower production, pod formation and seed yield in most grain legumes. Application of fertilizer to AYB may therefore constitute a way of reducing flower abscission, enhanced fruit production and increased seed yield in the legume

  13. Olagbemide Peter Taiwo

    The study was carried out at Lekki Lagoon which is part of the Lagoon system in the Western coast of Nigeria. Samples of Schilbe mystus were obtained from Epe fish depot for six months (January to June). A total of 337 specimens were examined. Identification of this species was done using the technique proffered by Olatunde (1977). Fecundity was estimated by using the gravimetric sub-sampling method (Dry technique). Overall sex ratio of 1.0: 2.5 in favour of the female was obtained. The sex ratio varies monthly. The highest sex ratio in June was associated with breeding activities. Condition factors (K) were found not to vary with stages of gonad maturity in both sexes while Gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased with the stages of maturity. Fecundity ranged from 10,906 to 23,700 eggs. Breeding condition was attained during the rains.

  14. Thiyagarajan A., Kaviyarasan V., and Karrunakaran C.M.

    Optimization of laccase production was carried out using a new strain, Pleurotus flabellatus ATK-1 with three independent process parameters viz glucose, incubation time and pH using full factorial central composite experimental design. The optimum values for the process parameters for the maximum laccase production were obtained glucose 2.8%, incubation time 12.6 days and pH 6.7. In the work, we have demonstrated the use of a central composite design for maximum enzyme production by optimizing the process parameters.

  15. Olagbemide Peter Taiwo

    Phytoplankton density at three stations along the length of the dam was studied. The drop method was used for the determination of the phytoplankton density. A total of four families made up of 20 genera were identified. No significant difference at 5% level of the ANOVA test on the values of temperature, conductivity, dissolved O2, alkalinity and dissolved CO2 at the stations. There is a significant difference of the values of nitrate at the stations. The difference in nitrate content at the station was due to the rate at which particles settled as the water of the dam flowed downstream.





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