The degreased in water penetration and gaseous exchange is brought about by Changing in soil physical properties such as compatibility. The activities of organisms and movement materials in soil is controlled by very important elements such as Ph., cation exchange capacity, organic and moisture content (Lasat, (2002). The study was carried out between the periods of August to September 2021 to generate knowledge concerning the effects of the crude oil on Moisture and organic content of the soil. The samples were taken from one of the oil fields and analyzed at the chemistry laboratory of the University of Juba. After removing approximately 3 cm surface layer, soil samples were pulled out from depth of 10 cm. The soil was dried, sieved through 5mm sieve and 4kg of sieved soil was filled into four 2 liter plastic jar. The crude oil was then added into the filled plastic jugs, with each receiving a given quantity of crude oil. The amounts of crude oil applied were 0g, 25g, 50g and 75g and each quantity serves as a treatment. The jar for treatment received no oil. The crude oil was mixed with the soil in jar using hand trowel and each treatment is replicated three times, the soil samples were obtained from each jar from top layer (0 cm- 1cm) and surface layer (about 15 cm) depth. The samples were collected on days (1, 2, 3, 4.) after crude oil application. The soil samples from each jar was well mixed together to obtain homogenous mixture. The results showed that There was significance difference at P = ˂ 0.001 for all items tested. The results also showed that there was slightly positive correlation (r =0.0351) between the days and moisture content, as the days increase the moisture content increases, and there is slightly negative correlation (r =-0.2559) between the days and organic content, as the days increase the moisture content decreases. In conclusion, the crude oil had an effect on moisture content, and organic content of soil and that moisture content and organic content polluted with crude oil can be changed with time.