We generate basic mathematics to express scientific concepts, those are crept in our mind. Scientific skill starts here. To find the facts further, we perform experiments, draw results on the basis of basic facts assumed. If the basic assumed fact is not fully correct, It's experimentation leads the concerned topic towards other way. Because, its observations are interpreted on the basis of initial assumed facts considered as basic facts, In case of Relativity, it has happened so. To start to derive relativity formulae, called Lorentzian transformations, they assumed speed of light equal to c on the basis of experiments performed till then to measure speed of light. But they considered it constant c irrespective motion of light source, motion of observers. All the experiment performed in that respect measure speed of light w.r.t. the source of light. But, measurements in space are being done speed of light irrespective of relative motion between observer and the source of light signal. Thousands of stellar bodies are mapped, assuming speed of light c as constant irrespective of relative motion between observer and the source-star. Hence mistakes in measurement of distances and related factors, is bound to persist in those performed measurements. In this article, the miss-concept in respect of length contraction and time dilation is discussed in detail. While, exercising on some one topic, innovative facts get revealed. While, discussing on time dilation, it is natural to analyze in deep, the working of atomic clock and the futuristic clock also, which is being installed by NASA in space within a few months. It involves action of gravity on it. Therefore, why, gravitational acceleration of objects having different masses is the same on a massive body? That should be directly proportional to the masses of the objects; then, verifying; it is not so? Why and how gravity behave differently from other forces? Property of gravity is only attraction; and no repulsion. Then how, dark matter and dark energy can repel the stars and galaxies and clusters to run away from the center of the Universe, that too at accelerated speed? The concepts are discussed with a bold hypothetical consideration very thoughtfully by the Author. General relativity concepts have become very popular. They create some illusive picture before the public. It is tried to drive away illusion about, Space-Time Continuum to catalyze creative real thinking of Relativity Principles. NASA keeps the world's time the Best. It will be keeping Universe's time after fixing the Futuristic clock in free space. To make it, Universal conman time (in respect of scientific laboratories and observatories) innovative suggestions are offered in this article. Concept of very first birth of Universe through whirling of Dark Energy matter and, next by Big Bang, not like what is thought as per present theory, instead by different suitable and natural way, is very innovatively found by the Author.